Monday 27 February 2012

Roses of the paradise

Rosy petals everywhere
around the garden of mine
glinting in the sunlight
roses of the paradise!

Making us look pretty
even for little betty
protecting themselves
with thorny thorns on stems
How brave they are
roses of the paradise! 

Fussy little pussy


I have a pussy
she's very fussy
and has a big tummy always
escaping from bullies
and snorting bulls
trying to hide near me
that's my fussy little pussy!
she likes to watch LuLu catty
eating bread and butter
afraid of nightmares
that's my fussy little pussy!

Nothing matter with her
except she is very furry
staying by my side
that's my fussy little pussy!
Pussy, pussy, pussy
she is my best buddy
as she is a buddy in need
our friendship does'nt break
that's my fussy little pussy!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Joys of days

Sunday is sunny
Monday has money
Tuesday hates tuna
Wednesday went to a wedding
Thursday was thirsty
Friday eats fried rice
Saturday is Saturn
and Joy is happiness


Booming every day
with colourful petals
swinging from side to side
trying away tasty honey
On the first day they bloom
On the second day they die in gloom
Always selling honey
But not to get much more money
always decorating us
and also for my clear little puss
Although they can be a mystery
They also can be a history.

Oh, wishing star

Oh, wishing star
How pretty you look in the sky !!!
Oh, wishing star
As tiny as my thumb nail
Oh, wishing star
But how can you make wishes come true
Oh, wishing star
All my hopes are for you